
Top Categories of Requested Grower Data Many of our top customers have sustainability programs of their own and ask Blue Diamond for data and information about our practices both in the field and in our facilities to satisfy their own consumer demand for transparency in food production. These are requests for aggregate data, never for a specific grower or one aspect of a facility. The most common types of grower practice data requested are Irrigation and Water Management, Pesticide Management, Bee Health/Pollinator Habitat, and Soil Health. The data collection platform Blue Diamond will be using is the Almond Board of California’s California Almond Sustainability Program (CASP), more information on CASP can be found at www.sustainablealmondgrowing.org . Next month, we’ll provide an overview of CASP, why data is an important differentiator for Blue Diamond . For more information on Blue Diamond Corporate Sustainability, please contact Catherine Campbell, Sustainability Manager at ccampbell1 @ bdgrowers.com or (916) 446-8653. www.davewilson.com 209-874-1821 800-654-5854 Independence ® self-fertile almond ONE shake ONE harvest NO BEES. Discuss the advantages of Independence ® self-fertile almond with your sales rep today! Independence ® blooms with Nonpareil & is harvested 2 to 3 days before Nonpareil. Patent #20295 Blue Diamond Growers does not endorse or verify statements made by advertisers within this publication. 1 3 J A N U A R Y – F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 9